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Toward an integrated policy framework to address energy poverty in the Iberian Peninsula: an exploratory analysis

R. Barrella, P. Palma, J.P. Gouveia, J.C. Romero, E.M. Arenas, J.I. Linares


Portugal and Spain share a historical and territorial bond and a severe challenge to alleviate energy poverty (EP), a complex issue affecting millions of people in both countries. Energy poverty reduction is a policy priority for the two governments who implemented national strategies framing concrete measures. There is a background of knowledge and experience that might be enhanced if joined into a common approach to address this issue in the Iberian Peninsula. This paper combines quantitative and qualitative comparative analysis of EP policy efforts in both national contexts, aiming to assess the potential for a pan-Iberian collaborative framework. It focuses mainly on the EP national strategies and critically evaluates the existing and planned alleviation measures. It also analyses mitigating and structural policies implemented by the central administrations in both ordinary and emergency times (e.g. the COVID-19 pandemic and energy crisis). Findings show good practices to be fostered but shortcomings in policy reach and impact of the approaches. The significant commonalities in EP-addressing pointed out in this paper might be the foundation for a joint framework to tackle this issue more effectively in the Iberian Peninsula, enacting the European Commission’s territorial cooperation objectives.

Resumen divulgativo:

Este artículo explora las políticas y las acciones sociales contra pobreza energética en Portugal y España e identifica políticas y planes eficaces que podrían aplicarse conjuntamente en la Península Ibérica.


Palabras clave: energy poverty; fuel poverty; policy framework; emergency measures; Spain; Portugal

Fecha de Registro: 30/03/2022


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